Friday, May 15, 2009

Chapter 12: Perpetual Motion Machines and Precognition - Class III

Possibly the two hardest feats to accomplish for any civilization will be Perpetual Motion Machines and Precognition. Of course it is not fair to call these concepts impossible. As I learnt in Chapter 1, a Force Field is a concept very much possible, that I thought to be too advanced to ever be created. The word impossible is defined as something that can never be accomplished. If I asked you to throw a football through a hole in the wall, fifty feet away, and the hole's diameter is equal to the diameter of the football, what would you say to me? "Impossible" would be your response. But, is that truly, 100% impossible to do? No, there is always the slightest, most minuscule chance that the football will pass through the hole. Therefore, saying something is impossible is incorrect, however, saying something is extremely unlikely at least opens the door for a chance.
Perpetual Motion machines are extremely unlikely to be developed. The reason, they break the Laws of Thermodynamics. These machines break the first law because theoretically, they would produce usable energy from nothing, which is extremely unlikely to happen. Next, these machines break the second law because they would be 100% efficient, meaning no lost energy which is also extremely unlikely to happen. Perpetual motion machines are a class III impossibility for a reason. Unless loopholes are found in the Laws of Thermodynamics, these machines will never see the light of day.
Precognition is another concept which breaks another major law. It violates causality, which is the law of cause and effect. Effects always occur after the cause, not vise versa. Every law of physics created has causality built into it. If precognition was possible at all, a major collapse of the foundations of physics would occur.
Although these two concepts would be appreciated by almost all of humanity, they are extremely unlikely to ever happen. The physics behind them is... well there is no physics behind them. There is only chance. One day civilization may find a loophole in the laws of physics. If and when this happens, we may one day have the class III impossibilities. Until then, lets stick with what physics has given us already.

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