BrainGate. To think that an object the size of a sliver of a penny could, when implanted in the brain, change the channel on television, adjust the volume, or move a computer cursor is almost absurd. A neuroscientist at Brown University by the name of John Donoghue has done just this. He has devised an apparatus called BrainGate that enables paralyzed individuals to preform remarkable physical feats without actually having to move. This device, only four millimetres wide, containing one hundred tiny gold electrodes, plugs two millimetres deep into the frontal lobe of the patient. A signal to preform an action is sent through the chip, into an amplifier outside of the body, and then into a giant computer about the size of a standard dishwasher. The computer then takes the input signal and creates the output reaction in the attached electrical device. As we are able to create small computers, this system may soon be able to be portable and may even be worn under our clothes, invisible to the environment.
With this technology we may one day not need to type, turn on a light switch, start a car, turn on the stove, etc. Programming such as BrainGate would eliminate many physical tasks that in modern society are the pests of humanity. Someday soon when civilization becomes hooked on psychokinesis products, simple to moderate tasks will become no task at all!
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