Friday, May 15, 2009

To End..

This novel has greatly intrigued me into the theoretical sciences and more specifically physics. Nothing that can be thought by the human brain is impossible to create. I hope that after reading through my blog, you may experience some of the enlightenment that this novel has brought into my life. Please feel free to comment and ask questions. I will try to answer them to the best of my abilities.

Joey Martellacci
Blog Operator


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Skrilla..

    Reading your blog opened new horizons in my understanding of scientific technologies in the I, II, and III class'. As a person who did game a little halo, I find it interesting to learn how it is formed and that it is something that my grand children might live to see. That's pretty epic. One thing that I had a question about relates to "Chapter 2: Invisibility". To become fully invisible would require for the person to be fully immersed in this meta-material, right? So would they be able to see out of the suit? It would obviously be fascinating enough that people can become invisible but this did confuse me a little. The section on teleportation was quite interesting. You pointed out that BEC, at 1 billionth of a Kelvin, must be used for this type of teleportation. I think that its too bad people can't actually adapt to those temperatures, because they'd have long enough until it was developed fully. Another question that i had relates to the "Starships" section. With the size of this ship (scoop alone is 160km in diameter), and the fact that it was traveling at the speed of light, would it weigh near to the amount of a planet? and if so, would it then have a gravitational attraction on other (much smaller) planets or moons? You did a really good job explaining the theories related to the II and III class. You were able to summarize what I can only assume to be an extensive amount of writing (the topics took up whole chapters) and examples into short, easy to understand paragraphs that still gave me the whole picture. I can't imagine the day that people will create perpetual motion machines, but I find it interesting how scientists will never give up on their ideas, and maybe, depending on how long people have on earth (this also depends on whether or not starships are created), there will one day such things as precognition and perpetual motion machines. As you clearly explained, maybe the football will fit through the hole.
    This actually looks like a really interesting book. It was even one that i had originally intended on buying, but now that i know what its all about, maybe I'll get my own copy. Have a great time at university next year, and the years to come!

  3. Dear Lieutenant Sir Joseph Alexander Raymond Martellacci (Billy),

    You don’t know how much I appreciate the fact that you spent your most precious time and effort in writing such a beautiful blog. It means a lot to people like me to be able to read something written by one as ‘Godly’ as yourself. You don’t know how much I loved reading through this piece of art at this time of night when I could be sleeping. Interestingly enough, I am obliged to read through it and tell you that it is good.

    Which leads me to this part… this blog you have created is awesome. Nonetheless, it is extremely interesting, yet I don’t believe that someone as gullible as yourself should be reading it because I will be hearing about how all of it is possible for the next month.

    Chapter 4 was of particular interest to me as it expands on the idea of teleportation and the new advancements behind it. It is impressive that scientists were able to create a substance that is the coldest known to humans called BEC. Extraordinarily enough, using this substance, they are able to bring atoms to such an extreme cold that it lowers all their states of energy which is then given off by a beam off light, which can be sent through a fibre optic cable and the atoms can reappear on the other end. This of course would not be applicable to human transportation as the chemical BEC (-270 degrees Celsius) would freeze them to death. Are there any other technological advancements which are trying to make human transportation possible?

    For most of my life I have believed that there are others among us in this universe; that is why chapter 7 is of particular interest to me. The universe is so large and harbours many stars like that of our sun. Stated by Frank Drake, there must be 100 to 1000 planets in the milky that are able to harbour intelligent forms of life. You say that all life probably requires liquid water, hydrocarbon chemicals, and some form of self-replicating molecule like DNA, but don’t you think that it is possible that other life forms exist with different genetic make-ups which do not require the essentials we need? Our earth is nothing but a pebble in an ocean, thus there must be other living organisms which occupy our gigantic universe. Since organisms are able to adapt to changing environmental conditions, wouldn’t extraterrestrials be able to adapt to the environment in which they live? Somewhat like anaerobic organisms, which do not need air, could there not be an organism which does not require water or hydrocarbon chemicals? If so, the chances that there are others in the universe are greatly increased.

    Anyways, thanks a lot for the great read Joe. It is always a pleasure exploring your work. You did a fantastic job. Good work. Extraordinary. Superb.

    Ciao Bello

    Mike Fabris

  4. Fabris, your comments are nauseating!

    Good work Jo-Jo Bear!
